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  螺杆(Gan)泵具有以下優點:1.和離心泵相比螺[Luo]杆泵無(Wu)需安裝閥(Fa)們流量是穩定[Ding]的(De)線性流(Liu)動;2. 和柱塞[Sai]泵相比螺杆泵[Beng]具有自吸能力強、吸入高(Gao)度強[Qiang];3.和隔膜[Mo]泵相比螺杆泵可(Ke)輸送各種混合雜[Za]質[Zhi]含有氣體[Ti]及固[Gu]體顆粒或纖維的介質


,也可輸[Shu]送各種腐蝕性(Xing)物質;4. 和(He)齒輪相比,螺杆泵可輸送高粘度(Du)的(De)物[Wu]質;5.和柱塞泵,隔[Ge]膜泵及齒輪泵不[Bu]同的是,螺杆(Gan)泵可用于藥(Yao)劑填充和計量.Screw pump has the following advantages: 1. Compared with screw pump and centrifugal pump doesn't need to install the valve flow is stable linear flow;2. Compared with those of screw pump plunger pump self-priming capability is strong, strong suction height;3. Compared with the diaphragm pump screw pump can transport all kinds of gas and solid particle mixing impurities or fiber medium, also can transport all kinds of corrosive substance;4. Compared with ear, screw pump can transport high viscosity material;5. And plunger pump, diaphragm pump and the gear pump, screw pump can be used in the pharmaceutical filling and metering.

     由于部件[Jian]通[Tong]用組合系列化有多(Duo)種結構,可用于(Yu)卧式,法蘭式和立式安裝(Zhuang)。 根據(Ju)所輸送介質需(Xu)要還可(Ke)提供加(Jia)熱[Re]或冷卻[Que]結構。熱設備中用做燃油噴油,燃油[You]供應和輸送泵[Beng]。在機械工業中用做液壓[Ya],潤滑(Hua)和遙控馬達泵。在化學石[Shi]油化[Hua]工和食品工業中用做裝載,輸送和供液泵。在(Zai)船[Chuan]舶上用做輸送、增(Zeng)壓、燃油噴(Pen)射和潤[Run]滑油泵以及船用液壓裝(Zhuang)置泵。   Because there are many parts general combination series structure, can be used for horizontal, flange and vertical installation.According to the need to still can provide heating or cooling medium structure.Thermal equipment used in the fuel injection and fuel supply and transfer pump.In the mechanical industry used as hydraulic, lubrication and pump remote control motors.In the chemical petroleum chemical industry and food industry used as loading, transportation and feed liquid pump.On the ship for delivery, pressurization, fuel injection, and lubricating oil pump and Marine hydraulic gear pump. 

    三螺杆泵特點及優點:(1)壓力和流(Liu)量範圍寬闊(Kuo),流量範圍0.2~320m3/h最(Zui)高工作壓力(Li)可達5MPa;(2)運送液(Ye)體的種類[Lei]和粘度範圍寬廣,粘度範圍1mm2/s-760mm2/s;(3)因為三[San]螺杆(Gan)泵内的回轉[Zhuan]部件慣性力較低,故可使(Shi)用(Yong)很高的轉速;(4)吸入性[Xing]能(Neng)好,具有(You)很強的自[Zi]吸能力(Li);(5)流量均勻連(Lian)續,振動小,噪音低,幾乎沒有脈(Mo)動;(6)三[San]螺杆[Gan]泵結構堅(Jian)實(Shi),安裝方便有(卧式(Shi)、立式、法蘭式、插裝(Zhuang)式)保養容易;(7)三螺(Luo)杆泵具有很強的耐熱性,一般(Ban)工作溫度是(1~250°C)超過此溫度需[Xu]特制;(8)根據所輸送介質需要還可提供(Gong)加熱或冷[Leng]卻結構;(9)三螺杆(Gan)泵幾乎沒有[You]磨損,三螺杆泵隻要選型正确,使用壽命長[Zhang]。(10)三螺杆泵的工作效(Xiao)率高。Three screw pump features and advantages: (1) a wide range of pressure and flow, flow range of 0.2 ~ 320 m3 / h top working pressure of 5 mpa;(2) wide range of delivery and type of liquid viscosity, viscosity range 1 was/was/s - 760 s;(3) because the rotary inertia force component inside the three screw pump is low, it can use the high speed;(4) inhalation can good, strong self-priming capacity;(5) flow uniformly continuous, little vibration, low noise, little pulse;(6) three screw pump structure solid, easy installation with (horizontal, vertical, flange, cartridge) easy maintenance.Three screw pump (7) has strong heat resistance, the general working temperature is (1 ~ 250 ° C) beyond the temperature should be specially;(8) according to the needs of the medium can also provide heating or cooling structure;(9) three screw pump almost no wear and tear, three screw pump through proper selection, long service life.High efficiency of three screw pump (10).

    注意事(Shi)項:1.三螺杆泵(Beng)的轉速選用:三(San)螺杆泵的流量與轉速成線性關系[Xi],相對(Dui)于低轉速的螺杆泵,高轉[Zhuan]速的螺[Luo]杆泵雖[Sui]然能(Neng)增加了流[Liu]量和揚程,但功[Gong]率明顯增大,高(Gao)轉速加[Jia]速了轉[Zhuan]子與定[Ding]子間的(De)磨耗(Hao),必定使螺杆泵過早失效(Xiao),而且高轉速螺(Luo)杆泵的定轉子長度很短,極易磨損,因而[Er]縮短了(Le)螺杆泵的使(Shi)用壽命。通過(Guo)減速機[Ji]或無級調[Diao]速機構來降低(Di)轉速[Su],使勘轉速[Su]保持[Chi]在每分三百轉以下較(Jiao)為合理的範[Fan]圍内[Nei],與高速運轉的(De)螺杆(Gan)泵相比,使用壽(Shou)命能延長(Zhang)幾(Ji)倍。2.螺杆(Gan)泵的[De]品質:現在市場(Chang)上的螺(Luo)杆泵的種類較多,相對而言,進口(Kou)的螺[Luo]杆泵設計合理[Li],材質精良,但價格較高[Gao],服務方面有[You]的不到位,配件價(Jia)格高,訂貨周期長,可能[Neng]影響生産的(De)正(Zheng)常運行。國内生産的大都仿制進(Jin)口産品,産品質量良莠不齊,在選用(Yong)國内生[Sheng]産的産品時,在(Zai)考慮其性價比的時(Shi)候,選用低(Di)轉速,長導程(Cheng),傳(Chuan)動[Dong]量部件材質[Zhi]優良,額定壽命[Ming]長的産品。3.确保雜物不進入泵體:濕污泥中混入的固體雜物[Wu]會對螺杆泵的[De]橡(Xiang)膠[Jiao]材質定子造(Zao)成[Cheng]損壞,所以[Yi]确保雜物不進入泵的腔[Qiang]體是很重要[Yao]的,很多污水(Shui)廠在泵前(Qian)加裝了粉碎機,也有(You)的安裝格栅裝置或(Huo)濾網(Wang),阻擋雜物進入[Ru]螺杆泵,對于格(Ge)栅[Shan]應[Ying]及時清撈以免造成堵[Du]塞。4.保持恒定[Ding]的出口壓力:螺杆泵是一種容積式回[Hui]轉泵[Beng],當[Dang]出口[Kou]端受阻以後,壓力會逐漸升高,以至于超過預定的(De)壓力[Li]值.此時(Shi)電機負荷急[Ji]劇增加.傳動機械相關零件的負載也會(Hui)超出設計值,嚴重時[Shi]會發生電機燒[Shao]毀,傳動零件斷(Duan)裂.為了避免螺杆泵[Beng]損壞,一般[Ban]會在三螺杆泵出口處安[An]裝旁[Pang]通溢流閥,用以穩定出口壓力,保持泵的正常運轉(Zhuan)。5.避免斷料:三螺杆泵決不允許在斷料的情形下運(Yun)轉,一經發生,橡膠定子由于幹磨擦,瞬間産生高溫[Wen]而燒壞,所以,粉碎機[Ji]完好,格栅暢通是(Shi)螺杆泵正常運轉的必要(Yao)條件之一,為[Wei]此,有些螺杆(Gan)泵還在泵身[Shen]上安裝了斷料停機裝置[Zhi],當發生斷(Duan)料時,由[You]于螺杆泵其有自[Zi]吸功能的特性,腔[Qiang]體[Ti]内會産生真空[Kong],真空[Kong]裝置會使[Shi]螺杆泵停止運(Yun)轉。5選型問題:三[San]螺杆泵(Beng)選型時,要盡[Jin]可(Ke)能詳盡地了解泵的使(Shi)用條件,除了運(Yun)行參數,如流量,壓力[Li]需要清楚[Chu]以外,輸送介質特性如介質的腐[Fu]蝕性,含汽量,含固[Gu]溶物的比率及固體顆粒(Li)的大小[Xiao],以及介[Jie]質的[De]工作溫度,粘度[Du],比重,對材料的腐蝕[Shi]性等和泵裝置的吸[Xi]入條件,安裝條[Tiao]件均要了解,根據我們的經驗[Yan],三螺杆泵選[Xuan]型時應注意[Yi]以下幾點[Dian]:轉速的選擇Note: 1. The three screw pump speed selection: a linear relationship with three-screw pump flow rate and rotational speed, low relative to the rotating speed of screw pump, high rotational speed of screw pump, although can increase the flow and head but power obviously increase, high speed accelerate the abrasion between the rotor and stator, must make the premature failure of screw pump, and the high speed of the screw pump stator length is short, easy to wear and tear, thus shortening the service life of the screw pump.Through reducer or stepless speed regulation mechanism to reduce the speed, keep to determine speed at three hundred revolutions per minute (the following reasonable range, compared with the high speed of screw pump, can prolong service life of a few times.2. The quality of the screw pump, now in the market is more, the kinds of screw pump, screw pump imported from rational design, excellent material, but the price is higher, the service aspect some do not reach the designated position, accessories price is high, the order cycle is long, may affect the normal running of production.Domestic production of generic mostly imported products, product quality is good and bad are intermingled, when choosing the products of the domestic, considering its cost-effective, choose low rotation speed, long lead, transmission quantity of parts material is good, rated life long product.3. Ensure that stuff does not enter the pump body: wet sludge mixed with solid debris can cause damage to the rubber stator of screw pump, so make sure debris into the cavity of the pump is not very important, a lot of sewage plant in front of the pump with a grinder, also some installation or mesh grille device, stop the debris into screw pump, the grating should be timely get so as not to cause congestion.4. Maintain a constant outlet pressure: screw pump is a kind of positive displacement rotary pump, when after the outlet is blocked, the pressure will gradually rise, so that more than a predetermined pressure value. The motor load increases sharply. Transmission machinery and related parts load will exceed the design value, serious happens when the motor is burnt, transmission parts fracture. In order to avoid damage of screw pump, typically, bypass the overflow valve is installed on the three screw pump outlet to stable outlet pressure, maintain the normal operation of the pump.5. Avoid cutting: three screw pump must not be allowed in the case of the cutting operation, once happened, the rubber stator due to dry friction, instant high temperature and burn out, so, crushing machine in good condition, grille flow is one of the necessary conditions for normal operation of the screw pump, therefore, some screw pump on pump installation end stop device, when cutting, due to the characteristics of the screw pump has a self-priming function, can produce vacuum chamber, vacuum device can make the screw pump stop running.5 selection problem: three screw pump selection, should understand the using condition of pump as much detail as possible, in addition to the operating parameters, such as flow rate, pressure needs to be clear, the characteristics of medium such as corrosive medium, gas content, including ratio of solid solution and the size of the solid particles, as well as the working temperature, medium viscosity, density, corrosion of materials and pump suction conditions, such as the installation conditions are to understand, according to our experience, three screw pump selection should pay attention to the following:The choice of speed

    螺杆磨損五點原因:1、每種塑[Su]料,都有一個理[Li]想塑化的加工溫度範圍(Wei),應該[Gai]控制(Zhi)料筒加工溫度,使[Shi]之接近[Jin]這個[Ge]溫度範圍。粒狀塑料從料鬥進入料筒,首先會(Hui)到達加料段(Duan),在加料段必然會出現幹性磨擦,當[Dang]這[Zhe]些塑(Su)料受熱(Re)不足,熔融不[Bu]均時,很易造成料筒内壁[Bi]及螺杆表面磨[Mo]損增大。同樣,在壓縮[Suo]段和均化段,如果塑料的熔融狀态[Tai]紊亂(Luan)不均,也會造[Zao]成磨損增快[Kuai]。2、轉速應調校得當。由于(Yu)部分塑料加(Jia)有強(Qiang)化劑,如玻璃纖維、礦物質或其他填(Tian)充料。這些物質對金屬材質的磨擦[Ca]力往(Wang)往比熔融塑料的大得多。在注(Zhu)塑這些塑料時,如果用高的轉(Zhuan)速成(Cheng),則在提高對塑料的(De)剪切力的同時,亦将令強化相應地産生更多被撕[Si]碎的纖維,被(Bei)撕碎的纖維(Wei)含有鋒利末(Mo)端,令磨(Mo)損力大為(Wei)增加。無機礦物質在金屬表面(Mian)高[Gao]速滑行時,其刮削(Xue)作用也(Ye)不小。所以轉[Zhuan]速不(Bu)宜調得太高。3、螺杆在機筒内轉動,物料與二者[Zhe]的摩擦,使螺(Luo)杆[Gan]與(Yu)機筒的工作(Zuo)表面逐漸磨損:螺杆直徑逐漸縮小,機筒(Tong)的内孔直徑逐漸[Jian]加大。這樣,螺杆與機筒的配合直徑間隙,随着二者的逐漸磨損而一點點加大。可是,由于(Yu)機筒前面機頭和[He]分流闆的阻力沒[Mei]有改變,這就增加了被擠塑(Su)物料前(Qian)進時的漏流量,即[Ji]物料從直徑[Jing]間隙處向進[Jin]料方向流動量增加。結(Jie)果[Guo]使[Shi]塑膠機械生産(Chan)量下降(Jiang)。這種現象又(You)使物料在[Zai]機[Ji]筒内停留時[Shi]間增加,造成[Cheng]物料分解。如果是[Shi]聚乙烯[Xi],分解産生的氯化(Hua)氫氣體(Ti)加強了對螺[Luo]杆和[He]機筒的腐蝕。4、 物料中如有[You]碳酸鈣和玻璃[Li]纖維等填充料[Liao],能加快螺杆和(He)機筒的磨損。5、 由[You]于物料沒有塑化均[Jun]勻[Yun],或是有[You]金屬異物混入料[Liao]中,使螺杆轉(Zhuan)動扭矩力[Li]突[Tu]然增加,這種扭矩(Ju)超出螺杆的強度極限,使螺杆扭斷。這是[Shi]一種非常規事故損壞。Screw wear five reasons: 1, each type of plastic, there is a ideal plasticizing processing temperature range, temperature should be controlled cylinder processing, make it close to the temperature range.Granular plastic from the hopper into the cylinder, will first reach the feeding section, the charging period of inevitable dry friction, when the plastic is heated, fused inequality, very easy to cause the inner wall of the cylinder and the screw surface wear.Similarly, in compression and homogenization, if uneven plastic molten state of disorder, can cause wear faster.2, rotational speed should be proper calibration.As part of the plastic with enhancer, such as glass fiber, minerals, or other filling material.The material of metal friction often is much bigger than the molten plastic.When these plastic injection molding, if with high speed, is in the increase of plastic shear force at the same time, will also strengthen accordingly produce more fiber is torn, torn fiber containing sharp end, the wear and tear strength increased greatly.Inorganic minerals in the metal surface high-speed taxi, scraping effect is also not small.So the speed shoulds not be too high.3, screw rotation inside the barrel, friction material with both the screw and barrel of the surface of the work gradually wear: screw diameter reduced gradually, the barrel inner hole diameter increase gradually.In this way, the atching of the screw and barrel diameter clearance, with the gradual wear and tear of the a little bit more., however, because of the barrel in front of the nose and shunt plate resistance has not changed, which adds to the forward extrusion material leakage flow, the material feeding direction from diameter clearance flow has increased.Results decreased plastic machinery production.This phenomenon and make the material stay in the barrel time increased, the material break down.If it is polyethylene, decomposition of hydrogen chloride gas is used to strengthen the corrosion of the screw and barrel.4, material such as calcium carbonate and the filling material such as glass fiber, can speed up the screw and barrel of the wear and tear.5, as there is no uniform plasticizing, material or metal foreign bodies with material, to rotate the screw torque force suddenly increases, the torque beyond the ultimate strength of the screw, the screw twist off.This is a kind of unconventional accident damage.

     立式三螺杆泵是軸[Zhou]向輸送(Song)介質的定量容[Rong]積式轉子泵,立式三螺杆泵由特殊的形狀曲[Qu]線構成的[De]螺旋型面[Mian]的主動螺(Luo)杆和兩根從動(Dong)螺杆(Gan)互相齧[Nie]合及它們與(Yu)泵套三孔内表面的配合,在泵的進出[Chu]油口之間形成的數級[Ji]動密封腔,當主螺杆(Gan)和從動螺杆互[Hu]相齧[Nie]合轉動時,由于帶有一定[Ding]黏度的介質[Zhi]使螺杆之間形成逐個的密封腔,并且螺杆和螺杆(Gan)之間,螺杆與[Yu]泵套之間形成(Cheng)油膜,不斷形成數個(Ge)運動的密封腔,這些動密封[Feng]腔不斷将介(Jie)質從泵的進[Jin]口沿螺杆軸[Zhou]向輸送到泵的出口[Kou],不[Bu]斷在泵的進口處(Chu)形成真空。立式三螺杆泵進口處的介質[Zhi]不斷在大氣壓的作用下,壓入(Ru)泵腔内,(由于此(Ci)時泵已經有(You)自吸能[Neng]力,也(Ye)可稱做吸入[Ru]泵腔内)使所輸送的介質逐級密封逐(Zhu)級提升壓力,形[Xing]成一個連(Lian)續平(Ping)穩軸向移動的壓力[Li]液體。由于(Yu)是[Shi]軸向(Xiang)密封輸(Shu)送,因此無攪拌[Ban]無壓力脈動。立(Li)式三螺(Luo)杆泵運行平穩,噪音低。主動(Dong)螺杆和兩根從動螺杆的軸向力采用液壓平衡[Heng]裝置,從(Cong)動螺(Luo)杆由液壓力驅動旋(Xuan)轉,所(Suo)以螺杆之間無(Wu)磨損,使用(Yong)壽命長;立(Li)式三螺杆泵采用機(Ji)械密封加骨架(Jia)油封[Feng]雙重密封方式,無洩露。立式三螺杆泵[Beng]内部結[Jie]構(Gou)簡單緊湊,效[Xiao]率高、具有很強的自(Zi)吸(Xi)能力[Li]、節能效果好(Hao);且安裝、使用和維護[Hu]檢修方便。立式[Shi]三螺杆泵所輸(Shu)送(Song)液體為[Wei]各種(Zhong)不含固體[Ti]顆粒、無腐蝕性油類[Lei]及類[Lei]似油類的潤(Run)滑性液體,所(Suo)輸送黏度為1.2-100oE(3.0-760st),高[Gao]粘度液體(Ti)也可以[Yi]通過加溫、降粘後(Hou)輸送。其溫度(Du)一般[Ban]不超過(Guo)150o,流量範圍3.32L/min-10000L/min(0.2m3/h-590m3/h)。部分特殊(Shu)産品最高[Gao]工作壓力可以[Yi]達到16-21Mpa。該泵泵體(Ti)可[Ke]采用焊接工藝,如(Ru)有需要可以根據管[Guan]路布置設計進出口(Kou)尺寸及位置,也可[Ke]以根據介質[Zhi]的不同,采[Cai]用不同材料(如(Ru)不鏽(Xiu)鋼)生(Sheng)産[Chan]。Three screw pump is a vertical axial transport     medium of quantitative positive displacement rotor pump, vertical three screw pump is composed of special shape curve of the helical surface driving screw and two driven screw meshing with each other and their inner surface of cooperate with the pump sets of three holes, formed between in and out of the oil outlet of pump number level dynamic seal cavity, when the LordScrew and driven screw meshing turns to each other, because of a certain viscosity medium make one sealed cavity formed between the screw, and between the screw and screw, the screw and the oil film formed between pump sets, constantly forming a number of movement of the sealed cavity, the dynamic seal cavity will continuously medium from the pump inlet along the screw axial loseTo the pump export, and constantly in formation at the inlet of the vacuum pump.Vertical three-screw pump inlet medium under the action of atmospheric pressure, pressure into the pump chamber, (because the pump has a self-priming capacity, can also be called suction pump cavity) make the conveying medium sealing lift pressure step by step, step by step to form a continuous smoothAxial movement of liquid pressure.Due to axial seal is conveying, so without mixing pressure pulsation.Vertical three-screw pump smooth operation, low noise.Active screw and axial force of the two driven screw adopts hydraulic balance device, driven screw driven by hydraulic pressure, so no wear between the screw, long service life;Vertical three-screw pump adopts double seal mechanical seal and framework oil seal, no leakage.Vertical three-screw pump internal simple and compact structure, high efficiency, strong self-priming capacity, energy saving effect is good;And easy installation, use and maintenance.Vertical three screw pump for conveying liquid containing no solid particles, no corrosive oil and similar oil lubrication and liquid delivery by viscosity of 1.2-100 oe (3.0-760 (st), but can be by heating, high viscosity liquid viscosity after delivery.The temperature is generally not more than 150 o, flow range 3.32 L/min - 10000 L/min (0.2 m3 / h - 590 m3 / h).Some special product highest workerAs pressure can reach 16-21 mpa.The pump pump body welding technology can be used, if necessary can according to the piping layout design size and position of imports and exports, can also according to different medium, the different materials such as stainless steel production.





    性能範(Fan)圍:1、輸送液體無脈(Mo)動、無攪拌、振動(Dong)小、噪音低;2、有較強的(De)自吸[Xi]能力,允許含[Han]有少[Shao]量微小(Xiao)顆(Ke)粒(Li)及在一[Yi]定程度内[Nei]氣液混輸;3、采用同步齒輪驅動,螺杆之間[Jian]不接觸,軸端采用機(Ji)械密(Mi)封,泵[Beng]的使用壽命長;4、合[He]适的材料,可以輸送有腐蝕性的(De)介質,适用範圍廣;5、雙(Shuang)吸式結構,螺杆上軸向力[Li]得到平衡。Medium viscosity: 1 ~ 1500 was/s, lower viscosity of rotational speed to 3 x 10 was/s.

The range of pressure: 5.0 MPa

Flow range: 1 ~ 2000 m3 / h

Temperature range: 15 ℃ ~ 320 ℃

Performance: 1, transmission fluid pulsation, stirring, little vibration, low noise;2, strong self-priming capacity, allow contains a small amount of tiny particles and to a certain extent in gas-


liquid mixing to lose;3, using synchronous gear drive, no contact between the screw, shaft end USES the mechanical seal, long service life of pump;4, with suitable material, can transport corrosive 


medium, the applicable scope is wide;5, the structure of the double suction type, screw on the axial force balance.